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Cereal Towers:


Have you ever bought the regular gross cheerios instead of the honey ones? No? Just me? This activity is basically me finding a way to use up the cheerios that no one will eat haha. This activity is easy set up, promotes creativity, and works on those fine motor skills!

What You'll Need:

-Playdoh or homemade salt dough

-Spaghetti noodles


1: Make a mound out of the playdoh on a flat surface.

2: Break the spaghetti noodles into different sizes and poke them into the mound.

3: Give your kids some cheerios, and let them string them through the noodles to create the towers.

*Activity Notes:

-My kids had so much fun seeing who could make their tower the tallest.

-Have them practice counting! It's the perfect activity for that!

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