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Christmas Door Ornaments:


There are so many fun ideas for homemade ornaments out there- all of them are fun, and honestly, I've made my fair share of types. My kids refuse to keep ornaments on the tree, so we really only have homemade ornaments and ones from the dollar store haha. So my goal with this activity was to come up with a ornament/craft that I hadn't seen all over Pinterest. This is what I came up with!

What You'll Need:

-popsicle sticks

-hot glue + hot glue gun

-pipe cleaners


1:Plug in your hot glue gun.

2: Line up 5 popsicle sticks.

3:Go back and forth with the hot glue to connect all the popsicle sticks together.

4: Cut a pipe cleaner in half, shape it into a circle, and glue the end pieces down with hot glue. (It's okay if it's messy- it's just the backside!)

5: While the glue is drying, cut a pipe cleaner to desired wreath size.

6: Have your child thread the beads onto the pipe cleaner, and then twist it off so they don't all fall off.

7: Glue on the wreath!

8: Let your child choose a bead to be their door knob and glue that on too.

*Activity Notes:

-you can buy a small pack of beads at the dollar store in the craft section. They have pipe cleaners there, too!

-if you kids want to be more involved, you can always get a brown marker and let them color the door too!

-instead of a bead for the doorknob, a button on one of ours to make it a little different.

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