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Tissue Paper "Stained Glass" Flowers


Updated: Jun 15, 2021

With the beautiful spring weather we've been having and colorful blossoms showing up on the trees, we've been in the mood for ALL the floral crafts! So today we made some bright and very easy "stained glass" flowers made out of tissue paper!

This was such a fun activity for my girls. I made the flower outlines, but they cut out the tissue paper and glued them. They love any chance they get to use scissors and glue, which is why I have to hide them! ;D

So anyway, it was a great fine motor activity and they loved the beautiful end result. We'll now get to enjoy these pretty flowers on our sliding door as we wait for real ones to pop up outside!

Here's how we made them:

Materials Needed

-Tissue Paper (variety of colors)

-Black construction paper

-Glue stick

-Clear packing tape


  1. Using the pencil and the black construction paper, trace an outline of a flower. Any kind of flower of your choosing works! We tried to do some pretty simple ones. *Note: Try to make the outline thick and easy to cut out.

  2. Cut out tissue paper into small pieces. You can choose whatever colors you have available, but just leave one sheet of tissue paper available for the base. *Note: You can use any color for the base, but we decided to use white for ours.

3. Using the glue stick, glue a large area on your base tissue paper. Then stick your cut pieces to the glued sheet. *Note: This doesn't have to be any specific design or order, let your child have fun with it! They don't need to be perfectly glued down either, as they will get taped in the next step.

4. Next, tape the outline to the tissue paper--to do this we first laid the outline over the top of the tissue paper pieces, placed it where we wanted, and then carefully taped over the entire thing (the outline and the tissue paper pieces within it), row by row. The tape sort of seals it all together and creates a protective covering.

5. I was not able to get a picture of this, but since the flower is still attached to the base sheet of tissue paper, you'll need to cut off the excess tissue paper around the outer outline of the flower. the tape should keep the flower intact.

6. You're now ready to hang up your flowers! Stick them on a glass door or windows and watch the sun shine through the paper and create a "stained glass" effect!



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