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Fruit Snack Counting:


My kids are so obsessed with fruit snacks. Like, SO OBSESSED. It's my main source of bribery. It's the perfect tool to teach any concept, haha. This little activity helps them practice counting while enjoying their fruit snacks. It's a win win!

What You'll Need:

-fruit snacks


1: Make a grid on your piece of paper.

2: Write a different number in each grid space.

3: Draw that many circles in each grid space.

4: Give your child fruit snacks.

5: Have them fill in each circle and count as they go.

Activity Notes:

-If you're kid isn't into fruit snacks, use something else! Cereal, chocolate chips, goldfish, etc.

- if you're child is a little older, try eliminating the number in each grid and have them write it in after they count it.

-if your child needs some motivation (like mine haha), you can let them eat the fruit snacks in the grid square once they are finished with that box.

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