Teaching your child about earning and saving money is a really important life skill, but can also be a really good time. Instead of buying your kids a piggy bank from the store, help them make one out of materials you already have around the house!

What You'll Need:
-some sort of container with a lid
-different colors of paper
-exact-o knife
-flour and water
1: Find a container you want to use!
2: Use your knife to cute a slit in the top of the container.
3: Mix some flour and water in a small bowl and have your kids rip up different colors of paper.

4: Have your kids dip the paper into the flour and water mixture and put it onto the container.
5: Continue step 4 until the entire container is covered.
6: Let it dry, and then store your child's change inside!
*Activity Notes:
-We used a medium sized hot chocolate canister for our container (to give you some size reference), but you could use anything! A gatorade bottle, oats canister, formula can, etc.
-After the paper mache dries, have your kids put their own touch on it! Have them add their name, stickers, glitter, or whatever they want to do to make it their own.