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Letter Painting:


My kids LOVE to paint. If I can somehow include painting into any kind of activity I'm wanting to do, my boys will do it without any complaints. I'm currently working on letters with my 2 year old, and I decided this would be a fun and easy way for him to paint AND be more exposed to the letters in his name.

What You'll Need:

-Cardstock paper (or any kind of thicker cut paper)


-Paint brush

- Scotch tape or painters tape

1: Use the tape to make the desired letter on the paper.

2: Get out the paint and let your kids go to town!

3: Once the paint is dry, peel off the tape to reveal the letter.

*Activity Notes:

-If your kids are as messy as mine, try using a garbage bag as a tablecloth! Also, I always make them change into clothes I don't care about, put on an apron, or just paint in their undies haha.

-Use a paper plate to put all their paint colors on! Super easy clean up.

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