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Playdoh Monsters:


Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Playdoh is one of the things that my kids will do forever, as long as I come up with a little twist each time. Anyone else?! This idea came to me on a day when my kids were grounded from tv (way more of a punishment for me, haha!) and kept my boys entertained for so much longer than I was expecting. It works on fine motor skills and gets their imagination going!

What you’ll need:

-Playdoh or homemade salt dough

-Plastic straws

-Dried Pasta

1: Get out the playdoh!

2: Cut your plastic straws into different lengths.

3: Let your kiddos make formations (or monsters, as my boys called them) out of the playdoh, and then put the straws all over.

4: Give them a bowl of dried pasta and let them add the tubes onto the straw pieces.

5: Have your kids name their “monster” and come up with what their monster can do!

Activity Notes:

-If you don’t have plastic straws, get creative! Cut up dowels, use spaghetti noodles, toothpicks, or whatever else you have on hand. Same with the pasta- switch them out for small scrunchies, beads, or fruit loops. Just use what you have!

-If you're out of playdoh, homemade salt dough is so easy and cheap to make!

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