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Thankful Tree:


I'm sure you've seen these thankful trees- it seems like everyone wants to do them around this time of year. But to be honest, this is the first year I've ever done it with my kids! I guess in my mind it sounded either really expensive or really hard to make- but guess what? We did ours in less than an hour! And the best part? I literally only used construction paper and tape. This activity is TOTALLY doable for anyone who wants to do it!

What You'll Need:

- Black, red, orange and yellow construction paper



1: Pick a spot on the wall that you want your tree to be. Figure out how tall you want it to be, and then start cutting your black paper in strips to stack and tape, creating the trunk of the tree.

2: Next, cut smaller and skinnier pieces of the black paper, resembling branches. (They don't have to be perfect! Your leaves will cover most of them!)

3: Using the orange, yellow and red paper, cut out a bunch leaf shapes.

4: Talk to your kids about what being thankful means, and then have them come up with things that they are thankful for. Write them on the leaves!

5: Tape the leaves up on the branches.

*Activity Notes:

-instead of cutting out perfect leaf shapes, it was SO much faster to leave one end flat (see picture).

-if you child is learning to write, help them write down easier things on their leaves!

-if your child can't write, let them color a picture of what their thankful for on a couple instead!

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